21st Century Teaching Pedagogy
Date : 12.4.2016
Time : 2- 5 pm
Venue : SK RTB Bukit Changgang
Lecturers in charge : Pn Rouzil Armiza Shamsir,Pn Sabariah Ismail, Pn Rusmanizah Ustati
Summary of activity :
An outreach programme was held at SK RTB Bukit Changgang on 12 april 2016. three lecturers were invited namely Pn Sabariah ismail, Pn Rouzil Armiza Shamsir and Pn Rusmanizah Ustati. Participants were English teachers from Kuala Langat district. Among others, explanation and input were given on the 21st Century Teaching and Learning followed by group discussion. Participants also shared their experiences on how the carried out the elements of 21st century in their classroom.

Participants were focussed and engrossed during the input session
Participants sharing their thoughts and views in the groupwork discussion
Pn Rouzil expaining the concepts of 21st century learning.

Pn Sabariah in action, explaining the Flipped Classroom concept.
The headmaster gave certificates and token of appreciation to the facilitators.