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Karya Kreatif

Flipbook: Cinquain, Diamante & Haiku

This flipbook is a compilation of three types of poetry (cinquain, diamante & haiku) written by 2PISMP TESL 2 students.

Please click on the illustration to read their poems.


Contributor: Pn. Husna Yahya

To my loving hero...

A wonderful tribute to a loving hero.

Please click on the illustration to read the poem.


Contributor: Pn. Evelyn Gnanam William George


A poem about choices in life. 

Please click on the illustration to read the poem.


Contributor: Dr. Zillasafarina Ja'afar

road not taken.jpg

The Risk That I Took

A poem about taking risks in life.  

Please click on the illustration to read the poem.


Contributor: Pn. Rouzil Armiza Shamsir

Untuk Yang Mengerti...

A poignant, beautifully written Malay poem.   

Please click on the illustration to read the poem.


Contributor: Dr. Ajurun Begum Ahamed

Secangkir Kopi Persahabatan

A beautifully written Malay poem about the meaning of friendship, with special appearance of a short video presentation of the poem.   

Please click on the illustration to read the poem.


Contributor: Pn. Rouzil Armiza Hj Shamsir


A poem about a 'shadow'  

Please click on the picture to read the poem.


Contributor: Pn. Husna Yahya


PBS Diary Flipbook of TESL 3

This flipbook contains the compilation of TESL 3 students' experiences during their PBS from 1st March 2021 until 5th March 2021.  

Please click on the book to read more about their experiences. 


Contributor: Dr. Ajurun Begum Ahamed


© 2021 by Jabatan Bahasa IPGKPT


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